This set was from a school that closed the shop program. It does not look like any of these sockets have any use and most of this set could be considered NOS. I believe the foam insert was custom made by students as a shop project. You will notice one or both sides the cuts for the insert are not perfect. Cut from one piece of foam. I have a total of four sets and when lined up all the edges match like a puzzle. The foam is very dense and holds most of the sockets very well. Since the foam is the same thickness for all the sockets the small size quarter inch sockets are recessed and a little more difficult to get out, and the large diameter 3/8 sockets don’t have a whole lot of bite as a more than half of the socket is above the foam. This insert would be best if the socket drive was perpendicular to the tool box front so these larger sockets don’t roll out of place when opening and closing drawers. If you are only interested in the tools with no insert please reach out to me. I will zero out this listing and create another one with no insert included in the description. All Silver Eagle – Chrome – All Sockets are 6 point. 1/4″ Drive 3/16″ – 9/16 Shallow. 1/4″ Drive 3/16″ – 9/16 Deep. 1/4 Drive 4mm-15mm Shallow. 1/4 Drive 4mm-15mm Deep (missing 10mm). 3/8″ Drive 1/4″ – 7/8 Deep. 3/8 Drive 6mm-19mm Deep. 3/8 Drive 6mm-19mm Shallow. 3/8″ Drive 1/4″-1 Shallow. 3/8″ Drive 5/8″ Spark Plug Socket. 3/8″ Drive 13/16″ Spark Plug Socket. 3/8″ Drive 10″ Extension. 3/8″ Drive 6″ Extension. 3/8″ Drive 3″ Extension. 1/4″ Drive 2″ Extension 1/4″ Drive 6″ Extension. 3/8 Drive Ratchet BRSE8TB. 1/4 Drive Ratchet ARSE5TB.